Lucia Farrow’s practice relies on intuition and sorcery within the precarious ceramic process. Lucia views each firing as a rebirth, in which she and the ceramics are metamorphosed in the unpredictable alchemical process through a form of animism. Lucia is involved with creating ‘fossils’ of photographic images through ceramics, alluding to a personal archeology similar to a blog or diary entry.
Farrow has exhibited her work at Chica (Phoenix 2024); Usual Business Gallery; Hartslane Gallery; Barbican Arts Group Trust (all London, 2022); Kupfer (London, 2020 & 2022) and the Tate Modern (London, 2020). Her work has been featured in Fad Magazine, 1 Granary, Spittle, Dazed Magazine, Re-Edition Mag, and Fizzy Mag.