IceBlink Luck
Generation & Display 
18 Trading Estate Rd London NW10 7LU

Rebecca Halliwell-Sutton, Louise Oates, Léa Porré

IceBlink Luck is an exhibition of artists Rebecca Halliwell-Sutton, Louise Oates and Léa Porré, curated by Kollektiv Collective. Laying bare distinctive temporal loops, it maps human environmental imprints across time, addressing the inaccuracy of a simplistic reading of time as linear. In the context of impending climate catastrophe, IceBlink Luck resorts to the tradition of science fiction, leaning on the genre’s potential to reconcile past, present and future, ultimately in attempts to grapple with the unknown.

For enquiries, contact us at 
14 – 22 September 2024
PV: Friday 13 September
6-11 PM

© Kollektiv Collective